Letter from Yaakov Hagoel; My Home is your Home

19 October 2023

A letter from our partner - the Chairman of the World Zionist Organization

My dear brothers and sisters,

"For even a bird has found their home and a swallow their nest" (Psalms, Chapter 84, Verse 4).
The brutal and deadly massacre that Israel experienced on Shabbat, Simchat Torah (Shemini Atzeret), the 22nd of Tishrei 5784, October 7th 2023, affected each and every one of us deeply.

Since the outbreak of the war, we've experienced loss and suffering, horror and pain from the extremely difficult images released, but as usual, we knew to come together united, as one man with one heart.
The data gathered indicates that hundreds of families have lost their homes and were forced to evacuate to other cities following the barbaric attacks, sacrifices and losses.

The World Zionist Organization recognizes the need to find temporary housing for families who overnight became refugees in their own country. If you have a vacant apartment, or if you know apartment owners from Israel or the Diaspora whose apartment is vacant in the coming months, please contact us or recommend that the apartment owners participate in this important project.

The World Zionist Organization will take full responsibility for the process of connecting the families with relevant apartments and will ensure the apartment is returned in the manner in which it was delivered. In order to ensure this, a legal contract will be signed between the World Zionist Organization and the family, and between the World Zionist Organization and the respective landlords.

I invite you, dear people of Israel, to continue to show our care and beauty by joining this unique and important project. Please distribute this appeal to your friends, acquaintances and mailing lists to reach as many as possible.

All of the project details and registration methods are in the link below: https://www.wzo.org.il/department/myhome/en/en

May we be able to rejoice and be happy in the building of our country and our homeland,

My home is your home.

Am Yisrael Chai,

Yaakov Hagoel
Chairman, World Zionist Organization