Women across Australia will join together for the UIA Women’s Division 2024 Campaign events on 17 March in Sydney, 19 March in Melbourne and 20 March in Perth – for an in-person event that promises to be a memorable gathering featuring inspirational speakers, all in solidarity with and support for the People of Israel.
This year, the theme of the events in each state is 'Hear Their Voices’. The event will feature a panel of courageous Israeli women as we shine a light on their resilience, bravery and strength in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre, while providing attendees with an insight into Israeli life through a female lens.
Supporters will hear from Michal Rahav, a survivor from Kibbutz Nirim who will share her family's story. Trapped in her safe room for 17 hours with her husband and their three children, as terrorists massacred members of her kibbutz and tried to infiltrate their home, she armed her children with weapons and told them, “Whatever comes through that door - we have to fight - fight for your life and don't give up." Michal's story is one of survival, courage and bravery.
The second dynamic woman who will share her story is Liat Riff. For the last six years, Liat has been the Director of the Youth Futures' Heartbeats program, a unique intervention program for vulnerable families with young children (aged 0-3), which operates in 16 communities across Israel. Liat holds a master's degree in early childhood education. It was while working on projects to support school children at regional and national levels, that Liat was recruited to establish the Heartbeats program. This included managing, training and guiding a team of employees, with responsibility for over 200 at-risk children and their families.
UIA Women’s Division’s commitment to the Heartbeats program is more vital than ever. These families are now suffering with physical displacement, psychological and emotional trauma, increased child neglect, domestic violence and food insecurity.
The aftermath of October 7 has placed increased demands on this program. Liat will discuss this impact and the increased need for trauma therapy and support for at-risk youth and their families.
We can make a difference and we will make a difference.
UIA Australia and WA Women’s Division President Debbie Schaffer OAM said: “2024 is a pivotal year for us. Israel needs us and we need Israel. Our future lies in our hands. There is no substitute for support now as we rely on ourselves to provide the necessary services, resources and supplies needed. Our functions have compelling women sharing their stories. We encourage you to hear them.”
To book for UIA Women’s Division 2024 Campaign Events visit uiaaustralia.org.au or contact your local UIA office:
NSW: (02) 9361 4273, uiawomensdiv@uiansw.org.au
VIC: (03) 9272 5533, info@uiavic.org.au
WA: (08) 9275 1186, info@uiawa.org.au
26 February 2024